
public interface NavigationFinished implements NavigationEvent

An event indicating that the navigation has been finished. This happens when a navigation is committed, aborted, or replaced by a new one.


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public NetError error()
Returns the navigation error in case the navigation has failed.
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public Frame frame()
Returns the Frame instance initiated this navigation.
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public boolean hasCommitted()
Returns true if the navigation has committed.
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public boolean isErrorPage()
Returns true if the navigation resulted in an error page.
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public boolean isFragmentNavigation()
Returns true if the navigation has been performed to a fragment within the same document.
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public boolean isInMainFrame()
Returns true if the navigation is taking place in the main frame.
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public boolean isSameDocument()
Returns true if the navigation has been performed in the scope of the same document.
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public boolean isServerRedirect()
Returns true if the navigation has encountered a server redirect.
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Returns the Navigation instance initiated this event.
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public String url()
Returns a string that represents the URL of this navigation.